Friday, October 22, 2010


For the longest time, I have been using Mozilla Firefox. I started using it as an alternative to Internet Explorer, which I just hate. I refuse to use it. I don't know when this started, or why, but it's just a fact.

Recently, we've also tried Safari. I liked it enough, but I am a huge fan of bookmarks, and I just could never get the hang of how they worked for that browser.

Now, we're trying Google Chrome. I don't have any opinions of it yet, as it is merely 30 minutes new to us, but I have found that I love the little star by the address bar to make a bookmark. Convenient!

I want to know which one you use and why (favorite features, least favorites features of other browsers, etc).

Which web browser do you use?
Leave a comment, if you so choose, letting me know why.
I like hearing what you guys think!

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