Sunday, November 21, 2010

busy busy

Not going to lie... we took our vacation at the best and at worst time.
Best because the students had quite a few tests to take in our classes, and pretty much anyone can proctor a test. It was easy for us to get away.
Worst because it was at the beginning of the second partial (or quarter), which means that we needed to grade anything that we hadn't already, grade exams, and get our grades in. If not before we left, then right after we got back.

When we got back Wednesday afternoon, we were beat.
We had just traveled for 24 hours by bus and boat, and slept in a random hotel the night before.

Thursday, we had tests to grade and Friday we needed to hand our grades it. It was a whirlwind, let me tell you!
And this was in addition to planning lessons for the rest of the week, and trying to get prepared for the next week.

So, here we are. We've been back for a week and a half.
I think we are pretty much caught up on everything. 

The only thing that has been kind of lacking is my contribution to this blog, picture editing, and actual cooking of food.
This week, I think because we've been so swamped, we have literally not done anything for dinner. Some nights it was PB and J, and some nights it was take out tacos.
On the upside, we finally found a restaurant that sells tacos Mexicanos and actual nachos. Delicious!

So, today we will cook some food and I will edit some pictures for this blog. 
I know I keep saying this, but it will be up soon! 

In other news, Alex has taken an interest in computer programming. 
He's downloaded some ebooks about flash game making and is pretty into it. The hope is that if he really likes it, and is good, he will go back to school for it. 
Only time will tell.

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