Sunday, October 24, 2010

weekend with Ms. Lorena (San Pedro Sula and Puerto Cortez)

Nothing has been going on. I promise. We literally left our house three times: once to go to the market, once to go to Doña Olga's house for lunch, and then once to pick up our clothes from the lavanderia.

Because of this, I shall share some pictures from the time we went to San Pedro Sula with Ms. Lorena, a teacher at our school, and stayed with her sister.
Really, I meant to post these a long time ago, but we got busy and I didn't know how to use Photoshop.

During our time in San Pedro Sula, we managed to make it to nearby (1 hour by car) Puerto Cortez. We spent the day at the beach swimming and eating. The beach we went to was called Puerto Caballo.

It's difficult to see, but gas was 67.49 lempiras. That's $3.57 USD. 

Lorena's niece showed us these little bugs that are on the trees. 
She said they make really loud noises when they're alive.
This one was not alive.

We set up shop under one of these little forts. 
Alex and I took to the water for most of the time.

Some of the palm leaves are gigantic! 

We did not make that structure, it was already there.
But, we used it to hang out towels and clothes.

Looking over to the actual port.

Looking in the other direction.

Alex's first time in ocean water that did not threaten hypothermia.

Alex took this shot on the way back from the beach. 

The trip, at the time, was much needed. At that point, we had been stuck in San Marcos for a month and were getting frustrated with the transition.
In San Pedro Sula, we were able to hang out in an American style kitchen, eat food that we were more used to, watch MTV, and just hang out and get to know new people. 
I have to admit though, the heat was pretty terrible. At night, we would lie in bed, nearly naked, spread out, slathered with bug repellent, with the window open and fan on full blast trying to keep cool. Then comes that part of the night where it actually is cold, right around 3-5am, and you regret not having a blanket nearby. 

We survived though, and actually had a really nice time. Ms. Lorena, her sister, and her sister's kids are very nice and welcomed us like family. 
I would definitely brave the heat again for another nice weekend in San Pedro Sula with the Espinoza family.

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