Saturday, October 2, 2010


I need some help today as my brain isn't working as well as I'd like it to. I think it has something to do with lack of sleep, which also has something to do with waking up at 6am to shop outside for veggies.

I am looking into transferring my blog to another domain. I need help with a name.
If I end up moving things over to another site, it will be very similar to this one in terms of content.

I need creative help. I want the name to be catchy and describe me (Alex is going to start his own blog).
I think alliterations are cool, but more than anything I just want it to say "Desaree". Not literally. You know what I mean....

Some things I've come up with but don't absolutely love:
- the daily dent
- daily deliberations

I want the name to describe me more than the blog. Mostly because I generally blog about a variety of things, all of which have to do with me and my life (with Alex).

Any suggestions are helpful. So, suggest away!

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