Wednesday, October 13, 2010


You know when you have a lot of things that you need to work on, but the load just seems so large that you don't even know where to start? That's where I'm at.

I have set all of these goals for myself. Most of them involve learning new things. And, most of them involve doing them while I'm here, in Honduras. So, that leaves me with a long list of things that I want to do, see, learn, experience while I'm here, but only one year to do them.
This works for me in a way. If I knew I had more time to do things, I would keep putting it off until the last minute. Classic procrastinator. I've been doing this since I was in high school, maybe earlier, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon.
Not that I could if I wanted to. And, I don't because I don't see the point. I get things done when they need to be done, and it's generally of good quality. So, what's the incentive?

As for things to be seen and experienced, if I don't make myself get out there and do these things, they won't get done. There will be no way to cram everything into a short period of time.

What I'm trying to say here is that I procrastinate writing a new entry, like this one, because I have a lot of things to do. I want to write, and I think about it everyday, but I want to be able to share things like pictures but I feel like I need to Photoshop them first.
I have these imaginary barriers, some of them I make for myself, and sometimes its just because I'm short on time.

I haven't died. It took me three days to publish this post. And why? It literally took me 2 minutes to type the last part of this entry.
I will try to do better about posting. I have been good, but I will be better. Everyday.

See you then.

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