Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas time in Honduras

I don't like posting when I don't have pictures. We take so many that it's difficult to keep up with the editing. Especially when you have school (aka WORK) to go to. Can't just make blogging and photography my full time job, ya know!

Anyhow, the kids have been working for about a week now on their door projects which will be judged tomorrow. I've only seen a few, but they are coming together very nicely! We will have pictures as soon as I edit them for the blog.

And we are also getting geared up for our month long vacation! 
I need the break... I mean, yes, I love the kids, but I need a break.
I think that's how moms might feel. Except I have like 25 kids. It's too many for real life.

Pictures to come soon. For everything that I haven't posted on - cooking with Doña Olga, care package, more Belize stuff, etc. It's in the works.

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