On the plane, getting ready to take off to Honduras (at 1am).
Bed set up on day one.
Bed set up after week one. The bed holder, if you will, was quite uncomfortable.
Closet situation. Clothes, books, and medicine.
Though these next pictures were taken in one day, it is typical of our activities when we venture out of the house. Thus far, we've got the market and Lorena's house under our belts. Next is traveling.
Market produce.
At the market, this kid was squeezing oranges for juice.
We totally drank some. It was good. And yes, that is a bag holding our juice.
Woman at the market making pupusas.
We were going to have some until we saw these...
Tacos Mexicanos! Delicious, I tell you! You can only find these sometimes and in certain places. The people at the market make the best we've had so far.
Lorena's very nice kitchen. This is what I call a proper kitchen. Very American. I will post pictures of ours for contrast, at some point.
She has 50 chickens (gallos - males, and gallinas - females) in her back yard!
View from Lorena's yard, which is quite large. It has many fruit trees - aguacates, pinas, cashews, limes, etc.
Besides hanging out with us, teaching us Spanish, and feeding and watering/juicing us, she lets us use her washer machine so we don't have to hand wash our clothes using a pila (the thing on the right)! It makes me a happy girl.
At night, the chickens get in the trees as to not be attacked by a chicken-eating rodent. Kind of funny, but smart!
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