Friday, April 9, 2010

happy birthday to me!

Yes, my birthday has come and gone, but I don't think I will forget this one for some time. I think the things that really made my day have to do with little successes that have been a long time coming.

Firstly, I got my report at work done and got some mad props from the director of the department. I tried to downplay the whole thing, made sure he knew that I had a lot of help, but he insisted on patting me on the back. And, I must say that this is about the only time this man has ever talked to me. So, it was pretty awesome!

I also finally mailed off Alex and my medical packets to the Peace Corps. I paid almost $9 to have it mailed super fast so that it would get there by Friday or Monday. I wanted to have it off by the first, but there were a bunch of little things that we needed to get together before we sent it off. Thank god it's done. I just really hope at this point that everything they need is there and the process won't be too delayed.

Lastly, Alex and I are getting our first apartment!! We found it around the end of March and we will move in on the 17th of April. We're super lucky - it's such a steal for the price and it's in Corvallis. One bedroom apartment, all utilities included (even cable) except electricity, free laundry! All for $575 a month. Additionally, they accept cats and it's month-to-month, so if we need to leave in August, we will have no problems. Oh man, I'm very excited!

So after work I went to go hang out with my dad while we waited for Alex to get off work. We went to sushi at Aomatsu, our favorite, and all got sushi belly. There was one point when I said outloud, I'm going to throw up. They made me stop eating, even though I still had my salmon nigiri to eat, and pack it up for later. Oh, it was soooo good! I will learn how to make sushi. That will be my goal after this term of school is up.

Well, that is the update from this end. I will post again when we get all settled into our new place and try to post some pictures.

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